12 09, 2024

Dealing with Exam Pressure and Anxiety: Successfully supporting your students

By |2024-09-12T11:39:09+00:00September 12th, 2024|0 Comments

 Webinar Aim This webinar has been designed to specifically explore the pressure of exams, and the anxiety it commonly causes among students.  Particularly in high-performing schools, students can feel the pressure to produce results and this is sometimes exacerbated by parental expectations.  Whilst we all understandably want students to succeed, [...]

5 09, 2024

Neurodiversity and School Avoidance:  A framework for considering underlying causes and intervention 

By |2024-09-05T10:44:59+00:00September 5th, 2024|0 Comments

 Webinar Aim This webinar has been specially designed to help colleagues better understand and handle school avoidance effectively for the neurodivergent students in their care with a focus on ADHD, Autism and Specific Learning Differences such as Dyslexia and Development Coordination Disorder (often referred to as dyspraxia).  We especially invite [...]

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